Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Some thoughts on what became of 'How I Met Your Mother'

When ‘How I Met Your Mother’ began, it was a very clever show. It quickly shook off the immediate ‘Friends’ comparisons because it had an overlying mystery of love looming over it that made people want to keep tuning in every week for clues as to this elusive Mother is. It was fun and it was something that had never been seen before in the sitcom world.

Also, in its early days, it struggled for viewership. When it went on hiatus during season four for the writers’ strike, the writers speculated about what their contingency plan would be if they were cancelled, (they jokingly said the mother would have been the coat check girl) which was a strong possibility at the time.

But then they started getting viewers, lots of them. With the help of reruns airing on cable and Netflix they actually gained viewers in its later years (which is extremely rare for any type of television show). Seeing that the show was really profitable now, CBS decided to keep extending it. This through off the writers’ original plan that the show would end with Ted meeting the Mother and there would be no more.

The popularity caused a major problem for this plan. With CBS renewing them one year at a time, they would have no way of knowing when the finale would be or how to lead up to it. With literally a hundred more episodes to fill than they would have expected, all of the sudden they needed to figure out a way to make new stories without diverging from their original plan, thus creating many, many filler episodes and plotlines that were really forced (I’m looking at you Zoe).

If they could do it over again, I think and hope they would have done it differently. They reached the point of no return about not introducing The Mother earlier in the series run and really handcuffed their ability to tell fresh stories.


So why was the finale so abysmal in my opinion? They completely undercut the original story and cheated us, and Ted Mosby’s children, of the romantic story this show was originally built around. If you don’t remember, Ted Mosby used to be Mr. Romantic. This was supposed to be the story of a nice guy, who had great friends, just trying to find the love of his life. That’s the story that we were presented with, and that’s the story I wanted to see.

I didn’t want to see Barney have a dog as his wingman. Or Robin be unnecessarily mean to a coworker who liked her. I wanted to see Ted get the woman of dreams after many hardships and have his friends help get him to that place. Obviously any time a show gets stretched out for as long as ‘HIMYM’ did, the characters have to change, otherwise it will become stale. But after season 4 they really began to sell out on many gags and started going back to well far too often for some of the running jokes.

I still think ‘How I Met Your Mother’ was a very successful sitcom, but I’ll always wonder what could have been if this story had been told in the amount time (or altered to accommodate a longer life) that was originally intended.

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