The main story revolved around Jess trying to get Coach(*)
to start viewing her as his friend as opposed to his “buddies girlfriend.” The
interactions with Jess and Coach were fun for a while but, like most New Girl plots, Nick came out of this
one with the most to do. As a Bulls fan I’m sure I got an above average amount
of glee from hearing him describe Coach’s Piston fandom compared to the Bulls:
“His teams the Pistons. I mean they were great in the 80’s, but then we got
Jordan. Then they started getting good, then we Thibodeau, whatcha’ you going
do now?”
(*) As far as I’m aware of, Damon Wayans Jr.
has still only signed on as a guest star for the rest of season, but I’m not
sure why the show would go to trouble of making it seem like Coach was in this
for the long haul if he is just going to be gone in a few episodes anyway.
Eventually the story becomes primarily about how Jess and
Nick become locked in a battle for who will turn the “sex tap” back on first
which would have been a fine story on its own and I’m not sure exactly why it
became shoehorned into this one. But all’s well that ends well as Coach and
Jess become best buds and hopefully this leads to more Coach-centric stories
going forward.
Over on the Schmidt side of things, he’s tasked with having
two people shadow him for a day on the job, one being Winston and the other is
Ed, an elderly gentleman the company hired to avoid an ageism lawsuit. I liked
seeing Schmidt, Winston, and Nick (albeit unknowingly) teaming up to best Ed,
but I’ve yet to see a story involving Schmidt’s office that I’ve liked so far.
The biggest revelation here is that Cece convinces Winston he should be a cop,
making it two straight weeks where she has settled someone’s career path.
Other moments of note:
- Does Schmidt still live in the other apartment? I think he does and I feel like the show is missing out on an opportunity to do some kind of “apartment wars” bit. Although, it’s possible he may have moved into Jess’ room since her and Nick are an item now.
- Chalk up another great Jake Johnson facial expression, this time it was the look of disgust on his face from seeing Jess in a Pistons t-shirt.
- “Michael Jordan is the first person who taught me I can love another man.” - Nick
- “There is too much going on in whatever metaphor you’re trying.” – Cece trying to decipher Schmidt’s ramblings.
- “Once your screen breaks, your information is all out there in the Twitterverse.” – Nick
- “I’ve never seen a baby pigeon before.” Me neither Coach, me neither.
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